Google starts indexing public comments
Google uses web tools that trawls through the web and read comments.Comments published via Facebook accompanies a user's name,profile picture and link to your account. With this anyone searching for your name will reveal your comments and can potentially stumble through your Facebook account. Privacy issues will be a major question, the Google will have to solve in the long run. Earlier the search engines where unable to index the comments made on a website through disqus and Intense debate as this platforms used a different program which was not easy to read.
To stop Google from indexing your comments use the Facebook Disconnect extension for Chrome(click here)
This is both interesting and scary at the same time. It's great for all the seo companies out there who try to get traffic to their sites. But I don't know if I agree that this is an invasion of privacy though, since the person posting the comment should have known that when you post something online, it's public property and anyone can see it.